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The Goddess Rising Trilogy

is an epic dark Urban Fantasy of gods warring with demons using humans as pawns set in our real world between 2001 and 2009 and hinging on events from ancient history. The research took over twenty years while I reworked drafts and found more and more fascinating history that touched this story. Here is a series of essays detailing that research and those marvelous discoveries.


The trilogy is being published by Paper Angel Press in August 2019, December 2019, and April 2020. Goddess Revealed, the compendium of all the research I did for this series, was published by Water Dragon Publishing in October 2022. See the Bookshelf page for links to all the books.


This series tells how Isis seeks revenge on Sammael, the Prince of Liars a.k.a. the Devil, for his sabotage of Exodus. In Goddess Chosen, Isis reincarnates a High Priest to be her champion. His ruthless determination creates a whirlwind of madness and  destruction which ensnares importer Charles Redmond. Charles' psychiatrist Sanantha

Mauwad tries to save his mind, but can she save his soul? 


Sanantha continues as the detective as the saga shifts to Malaysia in Goddess Daughter, and finally to Ireland in Goddess Rising.


Flip a card to open an essay. Why a Tarot Card spread? Read the books.

Best Outcome
Sammael and the Tablets of Aeth
Immediate Future
The Story Behind
the Story
Present Challange
The Story
Distant Past
Exodus, Roy and
Final Outcome
Goddess Rising Excerpt
Hopes and Fears
Haiti and Voodoo
Recent Past
Silas's Magic
External Forces
How the World
Has Changed
Major Influence

Horror Master John Shirley endorsed Goddess Chosen saying, "Jay Hartlove has fused several genres in a driving narrative sparkling with historical exotica. I recommned you buy this crazy novel."


Kirkus Reviews had this to say about Goddess Chosen. 

“Hartlove fashions a riveting blend of history, religion, and horror in this briskly paced series opener. The author balances his ferocious imagination with historical passion. A masterful historical fantasy that informs as well as enthralls.”


The full review is at

Goddess Daughter
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